Nacizmus je neustále líškanie sa svini vo vnútri ľudskej bytosti
25. 12. 2023
Ak ťa vedie skuhrajúci havran, prídeš k mrcine. /arabské príslovie
17. 11. 2023
Vzdělání je to, co nám zůstane, když zapomeneme všechno, co jsme se naučili ve škole.
22. 08. 2023
"Kremeľské politické intrigy sú porovnateľné s ruvačkou buldogov pod kobercom. Outsider iba počuje vrčanie, a keď uvidí, ako zdola lietajú kosti, tak je zrejmé, kto vyhral." (Sir Winston Churchill)
26. 06. 2023
Pokiaľ nenávidíte násilie a neveríte v politiku, zostáva vám jediný väčší prostriedok: vzdelávanie. (George Orwell)
26. 06. 2023
Cisár Julián má epigram o pive - aké barbarské je vyrábať víno z jačmeňa.
28. 05. 2023
Kto má kus zeme, nepotrebuje psychológa
12. 05. 2023
How are you my friend? I hope you are all okay. How is Slovakia?
Thanks for your pictures from the Philippines. I just want you to know that the people in the pictures with their "bikes" are just posing for tourists or are doing it for photos. The people in the picture are wearing traditional or ethnic attire used by a indigenous tribe in the Northern Philippines during the early days. Nowadays, the attire is worn only during ceremonial events and when they have to pose for tourists like the one in the pictures. On ordinary days, the tribe members are in regular mainstream garb just like any Filipinos, although they are proud of their ethnic race
About the bike, I don't think it is an ethnic object. It's my first time to see such a vehicle but it is rather humorous.